If you made it this far, expect a Christmas card. Here’s a collection of things I've crafted with talented friends. Equal parts nostalgia and eureka.
Helped UA with a variety of projects: everything from positioning their sponsored athletes, product marketing for new releases and technologies, and even global holiday campaigns. My role has ranged from fanboy to designer to CD, and everything in between. Stanley Hainsworth, Colin Day, James Halada, Summer Karaskova, Saedi Hitner, Ramon Vasquez, Bronson Folz-Edwards, GD Peter Duong, James Lafuente, and last but not least, Kewi Bedoyan.
A lil sampler of identity work…
With vending machines, as in life, wrinkles won’t work. The Kate Carter.
Bags for things you eat. Made for things you don’t. The Martin Baker.
Every creative at EP+Co has written a Larry script at this point. Or a dozen. I did not write this one. I believe some combination of Taylor Lucas, Tom Oubre, Will Isom, Ellen Page, and John Cornette did. Kudos. And sorry if I forgot someone. If anything, I made sure to keep Larry The Conflicted Chicken top of mind while working on Bojangles for a few years. Just long enough to convince the client it was safe for work. So yea, I’ll take a baby slash for this launch.
I drew it, Kewi Bedoyan colored it, Devin McGillivary or Saedi Burke wrote it (really don’t remember, sorry).
Money-maker on Etsy. Not a single sold. Thanks Ron Moore.
I’ve forced my wonderful parents to tote this car around the country since ‘97. Not this car—our’s rests comfortably in a storage unit in Virginia—but it looks the same. Crafted by Volvo in ‘72. Reborn by Rory sometime this decade.
Hot ramblings, courtesy of poet Josh Shelton.
To my bearded muse, Derek Manchild Anderson.
Quarantined, we released the first-ever Bojangles home workout, in which the weights were also the reward. Ben Granger. David Ekholm. Wooooo!
Sitting in the mall, Josh The Judge Shelton goes “that kid’s got so many pimples, he could turn them into a constellation.” And thus, stars were born.
Britton Rice and I started a father-son metal band in Atlanta. Oversized toddler strapped in.
Cabot Norton endured it. The kind folks at Copacino Fujikado chuckled. Then it went straight to the undertaker.
Salsa from Vermont? Mucho no bueno.
Trash for food. Josh Shelton, Peter Jostrand and Martin Baker.
In medieval times, I stole a website. Received my first cease and desist. Then enrolled at the Creative Circus (RIP). All thanks to Rick Boyko, some skilled folks at Gardner Nelson, and finally, Sir Dan Balser.
And in emo times, I did a series of slow selfies with Tony Maruca’s charcoal.